Patricia Frasard Allweiss
HOA Roots Blog – Patty’s Genealogy Musings

Allweis, Allweiss, Alwais, Alweis, and Alweiss Family Tree “Branches”
BRANCH 1: Brothers Mendel Allweiss (b.about 1853) married Gitla Jochnowitz; Samuel Allweiss (b. about 1840-1845 – d.before 1925) married 1st Gitel Blitzer and 2nd Chai Devorah Merklinger; Yaakov Lieb/Jacob Allweiss (b.about 1840-d.about 1892) married Fruma Zuckerbrodt.
BRANCH 2: Eliezer Allweiss (d.1907) married Deborah Baila Knopf (some children were Toby Gittel, Avrom Yaakov, and Leib/Louis).
BRANCH 4: Morris Allweiss (b.about 1856 – d. about 1896 Austria) married Rose Kohn.
BRANCH 5: Miriam Allweiss married to Gershon San; Ruchel Allweiss (b. about 1850) also married to Gershon San.
BRANCH 6: Abraham Alweiss (d.1813, Kolbuszowa) married Bessie Adler.
BRANCH 7: Isaac Louis Allweiss (b. Austria) married Sylvia Rubin. Son David Allweiss (b.16 Feb 1876-d.20 Oct 1940) married Mary Alter.
BRANCH 8: Herman/Chayim Alweis (d. about 1893, Galicia) married Annie/Anna Alweis.
BRANCH 9: Moses M. Allweis (b. about 1825-1840) married Freide Birman.
BRANCH 10: Rifke Allweiss (b.1827 Kolbuszowa-d.1847 Kolbuszowa).
BRANCH 11: David Alweiss married Florence Leader.
BRANCH 12: Chane Brandel Alweiss (b. Baranow, Galicia).
BRANCH 13: Jonas Allweiss married Liebe Tenzer
BRANCH 14: Gussie Alweis (b.1879 Austria)
BRANCH 15: Henie Alwes married Chune Lehrner.
BRANCH 16: Philip Alweis (b.1892, Russia) married Sadie Unknown.
BRANCH 17: Chaskel Alweis (1829-1892, Dzkowiec, Rzeszow, Galicia).
BRANCH 18: Ryfka Debora Allweiss married Natan Eimer.
BRANCH 19: Hersz Alweis (b.1816, Ocice, Galicia) married Laja Unknown.
BRANCH 20: Israel Jacob Alweiss (b. 1886, Tarnow, Galicia).
BRANCH 21: Joseph Alweis married Rose Unknown.
BRANCH 22: Eliahu Alweis (d.about 1940) married Mirl Unknown.
BRANCH 25: Chaje Alweis (b.about 1867 in Krakau, arrived in NY 6 Jun 1890 aboard the Wieland).
BRANCH 26: Harry Alweiss (b.1900 Austria).
BRANCH 27: Esther Allweiz (b. about 1855 Kolbuszowa).
BRANCH 28: Shlomo Allweiss (d. between 1940-1945) married Feige Allweiss.
BRANCH 29: Sarah Alweis (b. about 1870).
BRANCH 30: Heyman Alweis (b. 1852 Austria) married Hani Hoffman.
BRANCH 31: Lily Victoria Allweiss (died 14 Sep 1955), Kenton, Middlesex, England.
BRANCH 32: Moses/Morris H. Alweiss (1863-1906) married to Anna Alweiss. Father was Meier Alweiss and mother was Marzem Alweiss.
BRANCH 33: Josef Alweiss (b. about 1880, Jaslany, Galicia).
BRANCH 34: Anne Alweiss married Jonas/Yanoff Hescheles).
BRANCH 35: Gail Janice Alwais.
BRANCH 36: Dunie Alweiss (b. about 1905-1910) married Tonka Bilfeld, Kolbuszowa. They had a child Felucha b. 1935-1936.
BRANCH 37: Chaia Allweiss arrived in NY 15 Dec 1891 aboard the ship ‘Dania’.
BRANCH 38: Marcia Alweis married Judel Spielvogel. They had a son named Simson Alweis f. Spielvogel born in 1886 in Mielec.
BRANCH 39: Fischel Alweis (b. abt 1840-1860 Galicia) married Biela Roth. Son Izrael Roth r. Alweis born 1878 in Mielec.
BRANCH 40: Tauba Alweiss married to Chiel Zuckerbroda lived in Komorow ad. Kolbuszowa in 1908. Their daughter Chana Alweiss married Bernad Horowitz from Chacholow ad. Neumark. His father’s name was Kiwa and his mother’s name was Rosia. Chana and Bernad married in 1908. (Found on JRI-Poland, Krakow JHI marriage banns 1901-1909, Akt 59, Fond 994).
BRANCH 41: David H. Young was born on 26 Jun 1974 in Los Angeles County, California. His mother’s maiden name was listed as Allweiss. (California Birth Index, 1905-1995).
BRANCH 42: Beile (age 19), mother Elke (age 47), and Pesche Altweiss (age 10)sailed from Hamburg to Liverpool to Hull aboard the ship ‘Flamingo’, 14 December 1886. They came from Kolbuszowa, Galicia and their final destination was New York.
BRANCH 43: Dr. Benjamin Alweis, born 7 Mar 1893 in New York. He died 21 Mar 1942 in NY.
BRANCH 44: David Allweiss (born in the 1950’s, currently in prison at Oswego, NY 13126).
BRANCH 45: A New York state marriage license dated 28 Aug 1891 shows Ester Alweiss, age 20, birthplace Galicia (parents are Moses Alweiss and Ruchel) married Leib Wang, age 23, also born in Galicia.
NOTE: Many years ago a list of Allweiss Family “Trees” was started by cousin Gershon Allweiss. At that time it had about 12 “Trees”. Through his preliminary hard work and organization I have been able to build upon that foundation. I have renamed them “Branches” as each is an offshoot a core single “Allweiss Tree”, regardless of the spelling (Allweiss, Allweis, Alweiss, Alweis, Alwais). Please review and see if you can solve a piece of this puzzle. Go to to see the all Allweiss cousins. Contact me with your questions or information.
Rabbinic Research and the Allweiss Family
When I first began family research on the various Allweiss branches, I was provided with a sheet by various cousins who assured me that the Allweiss descendants were indeed from rabbinic lineage. Over the years I have received e-mails complaining when I added the rabbinic lines onto the website. “Where’s the proof?” They would write.
The following is a list showing the generations of rabbinic lines, starting with the oldest that I worked from: (NOTE: This list was provided to me by U.S. Allweiss cousins, as well as U.K. cousins when I was in England and Scotland a few years ago).
1) Reb Shmelka of Torna Ish Horowitz m. Daughter of Reb Moishe Dayan of Crakow
2) Reb Meyer H’Maran of Tiktin m. Daughter of Reb Menachem Manis Katz
3) Reb Yaacok Yoikel of Glinna m. Bayla, Daughter of Reb Yitchok Babad
4) Reb Itzikel Ish Horowitz of Hamburg m. Daughter of Reb Itzikel Ish Horowitz
5) Reb Menacham Mendel Ruben of Liska (Died 22 Tishri 5587) m. Daughter of Reb Itzikel Ish Horowitz
6) Reb Naftoli Zvi Horowitz of Ropshitz (6 Sivan 5520 – 11 Iyar 5587) m. Daughter of Reb Zvi Goldhammer of Dikla
7) Reb Elezer of Dzikov (Died 13 Cheshvan 5621) m. Daughter of Reb Yechiel Eichel Graff
8) Reb Yisroel of Barnov (Born 1814) m. Daughter of Reb Avrom Chaim of Linsk
9) Elezer Shendlinger of Galitsia m. Dobra Bayla
10) Avrom Yakov Allweis (Born 11 Nov 1856, Siedlanka, Galicia, Austria – Died 11 Jun 1942, Jerusalem, buried on Mount of Olives, Jerusalem) m. Etta Wadler (Born in Galicia about 1859, Died in Manchester, England, 25 Nov 1928)
I have researched these names in two books that document the rabbinic lineage in Europe. The first is “The Unbroken Chain, Volume 1 and 2 by Neil Rosenstein. This book provides “Biographical Sketches and Genealogy of Illustrious Jewish Families from the 15th-20th Century”. On page 1016 of Volume 2 is the beginning of the Ropshitz (Ropczyce) Dynasty of the Horowitz Family. According to this lineage, Reb Naftoli Zvi Horowitz’s youngest son, Reb Eliezer Horowitz became Admur of Dzikov in 1848, and he died in 1860. He married the daughter of Reb Jchiel Michel Rosenfeld of Rava-Ruska. After this there is no reference to Reb Yisroel of Barnov, or Elezer Shendlinger.
In the book, “Latter Day Leaders, Sages, and Scholars”, by Emanuel and Neil Rosenstein, I could not locate any data that could verify a rabbinic line. I have also researched at numerous websites for a possible connection. To date I have been unable to find a link. This does not mean that it isn’t true, but without DNA or verifiable documentation, the reality of a rabbinic line is highly questionable. As a result I have taken off the rabbinic link and the oldest “Allweiss” connection would be Eliezer Shendlinger, father of Avrom Yakov Allweis (Alweiss being his mother’s maiden name).
I welcome any additional research or discussion that can shed additional light.
Family Portrait at the Golden Anniversary of Avrohom Yaakov Allweis and Itta Wadler Allweis in Manchester, England, 11 Feb 1925
Front Row L to R: Charlotte Masher/Urmacher Allweis, Millie Rattut Allweis, Annie Feingold Allweis, Jessie Abrams Allweis, Rivka Allweis Haber, father Avrohom Yaakov, Mother Itta Wadler Allweis, Elke Allweis Feuer(?)(died 1929 in Mielec, Poland), Nellie Solomons Allweis, Janie Blech Allweis.
Back Row L to R: Harry Allweis, Raphael Allweis, Philip Allweis, Israel/Joe Allweis(USA), Shapsie Haber, Reuben Allweis, Aaron/Harry Allweis(USA), David Allweis, Barnett Allweis. (Photo contributed by David Conway.)
The Allweiss Family Tree DNA Project
As children of Adam and Eve, we are all related to each other, so why study ancestry? Because it is close family relationships that matter to most people. The Christian people of Europe can often trace their ancestry back to the 16th century, and even earlier for uncommon surnames. Jews did not adopt surnames until the 19th century, so tracing ancestry is much more difficult for us.
Allweiss (Alweiss, Allweis, Alweis) is a relatively uncommon surname, so it is ideal for tracing, however because of the particular trait of Jews not having surnames before the 19th century, the trail runs cold by the mid 1800’s. That is where the Allweiss DNA project comes into play.
On, the Allweiss family ancestry is documented. Nine major “branches” of Allweiss’ are documented. The family lore is that a “common patriarch” of the family existed in the late 18th or early 19th century who is the common ancestor of all the various branches. But how do we prove that? There are no records that exist earlier that about 1850, and most likely the Allweiss name was not adopted until just before that time period.
To solve the mystery we employed the latest technology, Y-chromosome DNA testing.
What DNA testing tells Us
DNA testing tells us if two people share a common ancestor; father, grandfather, great grandfather etc. It can also tell us the time period that ancestor lived. It cannot tell us the name of that ancestor, or their age, or exactly where they lived. It can tell us the ancestor’s roots (where they migrated from). So if two living Allweiss’ on different branches have Y-DNA tested, we can tell, with a certain probability, when their most recent common ancestor lived. It is important to understand that the most recent ancestor is the important one; after all, we all go back 12,000+/- years to Adam and Eve, so if it is the earliest ancestor you are looking for, well you already know that answer!
Y-37 DNA Testing for Branch 1 and 3
Up until August of 2012 on Zyga Allweiss was on Branch 1 of the family and Nathan Allweiss was on Branch 3. The question we wanted to answer was, when back in time do these branches merge? If the common ancestor was in recent times (after 1750) then most likely he lived in or around what is today called Jashlany Poland and most likely the cousins of these two branches were acquainted with each other into the 19th century. If the common ancestor was in antiquity (say before 1650), then the family ties would not be as close and the origin more muddled. DNA testing will give us the answer. We tested Zyga and Jack Allweiss (Zyga’s brothers son), and Nathan and Gershon Allweiss (Nathan’s son). The testing of the later generation (Jack and Gershon) simply increases the confidence level of the test results. We use Zyga and Nathan as the root for the search.
The Y-37 test confirmed we were closely related, but the common ancestor prediction was over a relatively wide timeframe, 1612 to 1787. To tighten up the result, we needed to test more points on the Y chromosome by upgrading the test to Y-67.
Y-67 DNA test results for Zyga and Nathan Allweiss
The upgrade from Y-37 to Y-67 DNA ancestry test for Zyga and Nathan Allweiss is now complete. The original Y-37 test showed a genetic distance of 2 (two) between them. That result indicated a 70% confidence level of a common ancestor around 1787 and a 95% confidence level for a common ancestor after 1612. The new test also indicates a distance of two, but over another thirty test points on the Y chromosome. That narrows and refines the range of dates for a common ancestry. Now, we know using the same confidence levels (70-95%) that the common ancestor most likely lived between 1837 and 1712. Because the two cousins share the same surname and the data indicates they came from the same area in Poland, we can further refine the date range by using the lower 85% confidence level which brings us up to 1787 for the latest date.
Understanding these results and the historical data
If you follow the historical record in HOAROOTS.ORG for Branch 1 (Zyga) and Branch 3 (Nathan) Allweiss you find two generations that are fully documented, Yaacov and Mendel on Branch 1, and Max and Gabriel on Branch 2 (see figure 1). Three generations back from Zyga we have an unknown ancestor, and three generations back from Nathan we have Noah, but no real documentation for him (DOB-DOD), we can thus make the assumption that Zyga and Nathan are not related within three generations (third cousins). The DNA tests give us a probability of a common ancestor within a specific timeframe. On FamilyTreeDNA a test called FTDNATip uses a large database to compute the percentages. It is assumed that two people who share the same surname and geographical ancestry have a high percentage of being related within the indicated number of generations if the Tip results indicate a 70% probability, and are almost certain to be related at the 85% or greater timeframe. The data indicates that Zyga and Nathan are most likely 6th to 9th cousins, and that Mendel and Gabriel were most likely 3rd to 6th cousins. Finally we now know that Branch 1 and Branch 3 most likely converge to a single common male ancestor sometime between 1787 and 1837.
Impact on HOAROOTS and the other Allweiss Branches
In order to incorporate these results in the HOAROOTS database, Patty Allweiss had created “DNA Ancestors” in the family tree. Using the documented DOB in the database, she created individuals that fit into the family tree as predicted by the DNA tests. The most important DNA Ancestor is the Common Patriarch who lived in the 1780-1820 timeframe as predicted in the DNA test of Branch 1 and 3. Later ancestors are created to “fill in” to record until the documented ancestors are reached.
There are several other branches of the Allweiss family tree, what does this mean for them? We now have a “Suspect” Common Patriarch that we can test against. If other living male Allweiss’ on the other branches who descended along the Patriarchal line agree to be tested, we can determine whether there branch descends from this Patriarch, or if there branch split off earlier, and about when that would have been. Our ability to solve this puzzle depends on the willingness and curiosity of the other Allweiss!
If you want to learn more about using DNA for Genealogy research you can go to the FamilyTreeDNA website which has a wealth of information for you to study.the FamilyTreeDNA website has a wealth of information for you to study at
The public Allweiss website at has information on how to join our project and order a test kit for a group discount. You can join the Allweiss_Allweis project on that site, or if you have questions contact Patty Allweiss.